Inviting Visitors

If you would like to invite visitors to Germany who require a visa, you need to submit the following documents to the Foreigners' Office:

  • Formal obligation (Form: Erklärung des Verpflichtungsgebers)
  • Valid passport (original and copy).
  • Form: Arbeitgeberbescheinigung (of both full-time and part-time jobs).
  • Last 3 payslips / statements (original and copy)
  • For self-employed people: Statement of your tax consultant mentioning the amount of your monthly net income of the last 12 months
  • For the intended stay of students: Form of foreigners office about the student’s personal details
  • Fee of €29
  • Form of consent of your spouse in case that his/her income is supposed to be considered (in this case the documents mentioned above need to be handed in by your spouse, too)
  • Perfectly legible copy of your visitor’s passport

You need to submit the completed forms to the Foreigners' Office. The required documents will then be passed on to the visitor and they will be able to take them to the Embassy and apply for a visa.

Please note that the information provided by the Goethe Welcome Centre is not legally binding and is not intended to replace or substitute information on each individual topic provided by professionals in that field.
We recommend that you also consult the diplomatic mission or your local Foreigners' Office for more detailed information on your individual case.


Global Office
Goethe Welcome Centre

Westend Campus
60629 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49-69-798-17193
Google Maps

Riedberg Campus
Biozentrum, Gebäude N100, Magistrale, EG, Raum 010
Max-von-Laue-Straße 9
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49-69-798-29863
Google Maps

Email: welcome(at) 

For doctoral candidates: