M.Sc. Sophie Lehmann

Masters in Psychology

External PhD-Student


Phone: +49 6131 8944827

Postal address: Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum (DRZ) gGmbH, room 3.48, Wallstr. 7, 55122 Mainz, Germany

eMail:  Sophie.Lehmann@LIR-Mainz.de

Office hours: Upon agreement, DRZ building in Mainz, room 3.48

About me

Hey, I’m Sophie, currently doing some research on how to trace down psychological constructs like optimism or self-efficacy throughout human evolution. For this I’m working together with social psychologists, archaeologists and sociologists. As I’m not only dealing with stones, graves and excavations, there’s also some teaching in the summer in Frankfurt and research about the effectiveness of different resilience factors in today’s life.


Since 2018         PhD student at Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Since 2018         Scientific researcher at DRZ Mainz

2016-2018         M.Sc. Psychology, Technische Universität Darmstadt

2013-2016         B. Sc. Psychology, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Research interests

  • Resilience factors in diachronic and intercultural perspective – Leibnitz-Gemeinschaft
    • Combining psychology and archaeology regarding resilience
    • Effectiveness of resilience factors to bounce back from stressors
  • Well-being and interventions to foster the art-of-living
    • Systemic coaching
    • Trainings


  • Kunzler, A. M., Stoffers-Winterling, J., Stoll, M., Mancini, A. L., Lehmann, S., Blessin, M., Gilan, D., Helmreich, I., Hufert, F., & Lieb, K. (2021). Mental health and psychosocial support strategies in highly contagious emerging disease outbreaks of substantial public concern: A systematic scoping review. PloS one, 16(2), e0244748. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244748