
(2022) "Eager to Join in: What it Takes to Kick Off a Project of Cryotechnological Suspension", CRYOSOCIETIES Symposium "Toward a Politics of Suspension? Time, Space and Control in Cryopreservation Practices"; Frankfurt, June 2022.

(2021) "Morality amidst Audit Culture: The Indicative Role of Quality Management Work", "Morality as Organizational Practice“ Workshop der Kommission "Arbeitskulturen" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde (dgv); Freiburg i. Br. & online, November 2021.

(2021) "Resisting Market Norms by Means of Audit Culture: The Case of an Alternative Food Network in Germany", 15th Congress of the Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF); online, June 2021.

(2020) "Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf kryobiologische Anwendungen“, Deutsche Kälte und Klimatagung 2020; online, November 2020.

(2020) "Bumpy Valorizations, or What Happens When 'Frozen' Matter Does Not Quite Come to Matter", Joint Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 2020; online, August 2020.

(2020) "CRYOSOCIETIES: Studying Cryopreservation Practices from a Social Science Perspective", Institutskolloquium des Niedersächsischen Zentrums für Biomedizintechnik, Implantatforschung und Entwicklung (NIFE); Leibniz Universität Hannover, February 2020.

(2019) “Sustainable Intensification in Uruguay and Eco-localization in Germany: Making a Case for Harnessing Difference", “Innovations, Interruptions, Regenerations" – annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 2019; New Orleans (LA), September 2019.

(2019) “Anthropologising Two Food Supply Chains: Grand Claims, Mundane Work Routines, and an Ethnographic Lens", Doctoral research colloquium at the Institute of European Ethnology at Humboldt-University Berlin; Christian-Schreiber-Haus, Grünheide (Mark) / Berlin, July 2019.

(2019) “Assembling Rice Production Systems across Burkina Faso & Uruguay. An Ethnographic Collage" (with Janine Hauer), Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations; Humboldt-University Berlin, July 2019.

(2019) “Potentials of Ethnographic Anthropological Research in and on the Private Sector", Lecture series at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology; Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, June 2019.

(2019) “Grand Notions and Mundane Work Routines: Potentials of Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Food Sector", THESys Colloquium; IRI THESys, Humboldt-University Berlin, May 2019.

(2019) “Assembling Rice Production Systems across Burkina Faso & Uruguay. An Ethnographic Collage" (with Janine Hauer), “Food lokal | global in Bewegung: Politiken und Praktiken" – workshop of the Gesellschaft für Ethnographie (GfE); Free University Berlin, March 2019.

(2018) “Following Rye & Rice from Consumption to Production: Ethnographic Insights", THESys Colloquium; IRI THESys, Humboldt-University Berlin, February 2018.

(2017) “Tracing Responsibilities in Food Supply Chains", Online symposium; Department of Anthropology, Rice University & Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-University Berlin, November 2017.

(2017) “Das Nachhaltigkeitsziel im Spiegel der Alltagslogiken von Getreidelieferketten: Eine ethnografische Studie im Großverbrauchersegment der Lebensmittelbranche" (poster), Effizienz – Suffizienz – Kreislaufwirtschaft: Zukünftige Ressourcenstrategie, German Environmental Award Symposium; Stadthalle Braunschweig, October 2017.

(2017) “Ein praxistheoretischer Blick auf Verantwortung in der Lebensmittelbranche und dessen Potential für rechtsphilosophische Fragen", “Recht und Moral als soziale Praxis?" – annual conference of the Junges Forum Rechtsphilosophie; University of Regensburg, September 2017.

(2017) “Co-Laboration and Critique", “Ethnography 2017" – workshop for doctoral researchers; Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt-University Berlin, March 2017.

(2017) “Ethnographic Inquiry into the Everyday Logics of Canteen Supply Chains", THESys Colloquium; IRI THESys, Humboldt-University Berlin, February 2017.

(2017) “Responsibility and Accountability in Food Trade and Preparation", Laboratory: Social Anthropology of Science and Technology; Humboldt-University Berlin, January 2017.

(2016) “Public Catering & Food Supply Chains: An Anthropological Perspective", Laboratory: Social Anthropology of Science and Technology; Humboldt-University Berlin, June 2016.

(2016) “Das Nachhaltigkeitsziel im Spiegel der Alltagslogiken von Lieferketten privater und öffentlicher Gemeinschaftsverpflegung: Forschungsdesign und Projektziele", Doctoral research colloquium at the Institute of European Ethnology; Humboldt-University Berlin, February 2016.

(2015) “Potentiale ethnographischer Zugänge zum gesellschaftlichen Stoffwechsel", Research colloquium at the Institute of Social Ecology; University of Klagenfurt, Vienna, May 2015.



Ruzana Liburkina

Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Sociology
Research Group Biotechnologies,
Nature and Society

Visiting address
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