DAAD Travel Expenses Scholarship

As mentioned before, for an internship abroad you may use a structured program that covers internship placement and funding. If you are using one of the following placement agencies, you can apply for an additional travel expanse scholarship. This DAAD scholarship applies to:

  • IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience), i.e. for all students of (applied and natural) sciences
  • AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales); not limited to economics but mainly focused on business, start-ups and voluntary work
  • ZAD (Zahnmedizinischer Austauschdienst), for students of dentistry only
  • bvmd (federal representative of students of medicine in Germany), for students of medicine only

Only if you make use of one of these placement agencies, DAAD offers additional scholarships for your travel expenses. Please apply only via DAAD. The scholarship varies depending on your host country.


Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
Referat 514
Herr Alexandre Nej
E-Mail: nej@daad.de
Tel. +49-228-882-255

Nick Ebner

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Global Office
Eschersheimer Landstraße 155
c/o House of Labour
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Luisa Döhner
Raum 331

Telefon: 069 798 17195