IBAME Science Award

PD Dr. Catherine McCammon received the Science Award given by the International Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (IBAME) “in recognition of her outstanding contributions to geophysically relevant questions via novel methodological approaches using the Mössbauer effect”.

The award was presented at the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME) 2017 held in St. Petersburg, Russia.

September 2017

3rd DCO Early Career Scientist Workshop

Two PhD students of CarboPaT got a sponsorship to participate in this years DCO workshop for Early Career Scientists: Nicole Biedermann from European XFEL in Schenefeld and Stella Chariton from Bayerisches Geoinstitut in Bayreuth.

60 multi-disciplinary early career scientists experienced a week of talks, poster sessions and field trips to the nearby Mt. Etna. Each participant presented their work giving short lightning talks. Furthermore, several researchers were invited to share their knowledge about Mt. Etna with the early career scientists.

The workshop was organized by Dr. Vincenzo Stagno (Sapienza University of Rome) and his team of the organizing committee. The group picture was taken by Dr. Katie Pratt, Communications Director, DCO Engagement Team.

August/September 2017

Publication in Nature Communications

A new study led by CarboPaT members reported in Nature Communications that iron carbonate forms new structures that make it stable at high pressures and temperatures. They found that carbon and oxygen form a tetrahedral arrangement, and iron becomes more oxidised. Their work demonstrates that these new structures can carry carbon into the deep part of the Earth through oxidation-reduction reactions that can influence the cycling of volatiles including carbon and oxygen.

(Graphic by PD Dr. Catherine McCammon.)

July 2017

Sponsorship of the 3rd DCO Early Career Scientist Workshop

CarboPaT is one of the official sponsors of the Third Deep Carbon Observatory Early Career Scientist Workshop. This five-day workshop was initiated by the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) in collaboration with Sapienza University. Taking place in Nicolosi, Sicily, the workshop will include several fieldtrips to Mt. Etna. In addition, there will be keynote presentations as well as talks and posters by the participants and many roundtable discussions.

The DCO Early Career Scientist Workshops were conceived to bring together young researchers for building networks and initiating new collaborations. Around fifty early career researchers will attend the workshop this year. Through the sponsorship of the CarboPaT research unit, two PhD students from CarboPaT will receive financial support to attend the workshop.

The success of the Early Career Scientist Workshops is already tangible. CarboPaT member Dr. Valerio Cerantola attended the First DCO Early Career Scientist Workshop in Costa Rica in 2014 when he was a PhD student. He developed such an enthusiasm and support for the concept that he is now part of the organising committee of the upcoming workshop.

(Photo of Mt. Etna by Dr. Giancarlo Tamburello.)

June 2017

5th meeting of the FOR 2125

The scientists of the FOR 2125 met again from the 6th to the 7th of April 2017. The meeting took place at the Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany. Besides exchanging further results of the CarboPaT projects, a guided tour of the scientific research site Telegrafenberg was organized by our hosts from the GFZ.

Furthermore the FOR 2125 was very pleased that Dr. Susanne Faulhaber from the DFG participated in the CarboPaT meeting and that Prof. Dr. Marion Tichomirowa gave an invited talk about carbonatites.

Further information

April 2017

Gregori Aminoff Prize

The Gregori Aminoff Prize in Crystallography has been awarded to Prof. Dr. Natalia Dubrovinskaia and Prof. Dr. Leonid Dubrovinsky, both principal investigators within the FOR 2125. They developed new experimental methods to investigate crystal structures in situ under extreme conditions (high pressures and high temperatures) that are present in the Earth's interior.

The ceremony took place during the anniversary celebration of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in the Konserthuset in Stockholm on the 31st of March. HM Carl XVI Gustaf the King of Sweden handed the prizes over to the laureates.

(Both photos: Markus Marcetic, © Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)

March 2017