Department for external funding (faculty 01-15)

Department for external funding (faculty 01-15)

With an increasing amount of external funds at Goethe-University, the administrative processing of the external funds is increasingly important.

The department of external funding (faculty 1-15) manages every monetary funding from third parties. This includes especially funding provided by the DFG, BMBF, EU-promotions, industrial companies and corporations and contract research, donations and scholarships. Moreover it includes the support of clusters of excellence, endowed professorships, special research fields, graduate schools and the Bund-Länder-programme.

The department for external funding (01-15) is responsible for:

  • Check for completeness of the grant documents (contract, notice of external funding), involving other departments in the grant of costs for personnel or travel expenses.
  • Setup of project accounts, coordination with the department for finance and taxes as soon as a project is granted
  • Administration of the contract details, external funded projects
  • Review of requests for funds and coordination with the external funder
  • Monitoring of receipts of money
  • Supporting the funding recipient with the preparation of usage lists
  • Reviewing mid-term and end-term usage lists
  • Administration/Distribution of Overheads (EU, economic projects, fixed rates of DFG and BMBF)
  • Regular monitoring of the account balances
  • Preparation of reports for annual and quarter-ends accounts
  • Digitalization of documents/Recordsmanagement