Short CV

Veronika Ott, received her Magistra-degree in Sociology after studying at the universities in Göttingen/Germany, Uppsala/Sweden and Marburg/Germany (2003-2009). She worked at the department of Sociology and the Center of Gender Studies at the university of Marburg (2010-2012). In 2011 she startet her PhD at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, at the program "Democracy, Knowledge, and Gender in a Transnational World" (IPP Transnational)”. In her dissertation, supervised by Prof. Dr. Helma Lutz, she works on the question how social services, information centers and welfare institutions in Germany take part in knowledge-formation on migration while problematizing trafficking in women and/or advocating sexworkers rights. Her research interests focus on theories of discourse and power, feminist theories, intersectionality, gouvernementality, questions of representation and methods of qualitative social research.


(forthcoming): Prostitution und die Ordnung des Sexuellen, in: Grubner, Barbara / Ott, Veronika (Hrsg.): Sexualität und Geschlecht: feministische Annäherungen an ein unbehagliches Verhältnis, Ulrike-Helmer-Verlag

(2013): What you see is what you get : neue (Un-)Sicherheiten in der Prostitutionsforschung, in: Soziologische Revue, Jg. 36 (2013), H. 2, S. 143-149


Veronika Ott (