

2019. Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung. Die amerikanische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump, ed. with Christopher Daase (Wiesbaden: Springer VS)

2017. Politik und Verantwortung - Analysen zum Wandel politischer Entscheidungs- und Rechtfertigungspraktiken. Sonderheft 52 Politische Vierteljahresschrift, ed. with Christopher Daase, Julian Junk and Valentin Rauer.

2012. Normgenese durch Re-Interpretation – China und das europäische Völkerrecht im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. (Baden-Baden: Nomos).

Reviewed by: Alexandra Kemmerer in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 26.09.2012; Wolfgang Kessler in Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, Vol. 46 (4), 2013, S. 486-488, Marc Andre Matten in Frontiers of History in China, Vol. 9 (1), 2014, S. 150-153.

2011. Inszenierung des Rechts/Law on stage. Jahrbuch Junge Rechtsgeschichte 6, ed. with V. Draganova, H. Landerer und U. Meyer (München: Meidenbauer).


Articles and book chapters (*refereed)

*2019. "Public-private colonialism: Extraterritoriality in the Shanghai International Settlement" In Inge van Hulle and Randall Lesaffer International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century (1776-1914). From the Public Law of Europe to Global International Law? Leiden: Brill Publishers: 140-155.

2019. "Unberechenbarkeit und Fairness. Die Regierung Trump und das Völkerrecht" In Christopher Daase and Stefan Kroll (ed.): Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung: Die amerikanische Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump, Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 151-170.

*2017. „Das Verhältnis von Souveränität und Verantwortung im internationalen Recht: Schutzverantwortung und Staatenverantwortung“ In Christopher Daase, Julian Junk, Stefan Kroll and Valentin Rauer (ed.) Sonderheft der Politischen Vierteljahresschrift „Politik und Verantwortung – Analysen zum Wandel politischer Entscheidungs- und Rechtfertigungspraktiken“: 268-286 (with Julian Junk)

2017. “Cooperation among egoists? Zur Informalität und inhaltlichen Erweiterung der G20.“ PW Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 6 Jun.

2017. "Le droit international et les translation studies: mettre en lumière la domination internationale et l’indépendance locale" (translated by Matthieu Forlodou) In Alain Supiot and Sitharamam Kakarala (ed.), La loi de la langue. Dialogue euro-indie (Zürich: Schulthess): 24-36.

*2017. “Indirect hegemonies in international legal relations. The debate of religious tolerance in early republican China.” In Martti Koskenniemi, Walter Rech, and Manuel Jiménez (ed.), International Law and Empire: Historical Explorations (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 39-56.

*2016. “Zooming in on norm research. Towards a suitable scale for the Shanghai Mixed CourtGlobal Constitutionalism 5 (3): 383-404.

*2016. “The justification of international intervention: Theories of community and admissibility.” In Fabian Klose (ed.), The emergence of humanitarian intervention. Concepts and practices in the nineteenth and twentieth century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 73-88.

*2015 “The illiberality of liberal international law: Religion, science and the peaceful violence of civilization.” In Thomas Hippler und Miloš Vec (ed.), Paradoxes of peace in 19th century Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 238-249.

2015. “Chaoyue bupingdeng: Guojifa - yi ge kuaguo lingyu.” [“Beyond inequality: International law as a transnational field”, translated by Xu Lan] Zhonghua Faxi Vol. 6 (Journal of the Institute for Legal History, China University of Political Science & Law, Beijing): 129-137.

2015. “Nothing was the same. Der Wandel von Ordnung durch Äquivalenz.“ LOEWE-Research Focus Extrajudicial and Judicial Conflict Resolution, Working Paper 20.

*2013. “The emergence and transformation of international order: International law in China, 1860-1949.” Asian Perspective 37 (1): 31-52.

2012. “Chinas Schulden und internationales Finanzrecht im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert – Überlegungen zu Weltgesellschaft und Rechtspluralismus.“ In Rainer Klump and Miloš Vec (ed.), Völkerrecht und Weltwirtschaft im 19. Jahrhundert (Baden Baden: Nomos): 151-170.

2012. “Community, enforcement and justification. The international law of intervention in world-societal perspective.” Osgoode CLPE Research Paper No. 12.


Reviews, commentaries, and blog posts

2019. "Deutschlands Verantwortung für eine UN-Klimasicherheitspolitik." PRIF Blog, 23.07.2019,

2019. "Does the present matter?" Book review Marcus M. Payk. Frieden durch Recht? Der Aufstieg des mondernen Völkerrechts und der Friedensschluss nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg27, Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte. Online:

2019. "Zerbrochen am Kontext." Book review Jennifer Pitts. Boundaries of the International. Law and Empire. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg27, Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte. Online:

2018. "Trumps Entscheidung, die Soldaten aus Syrien abzuziehen: berechenbar und unfair." PRIF Blog, 21.12.2018,

2018. "Über den Antikolonialismus hinaus: 'Asiatische Perspektiven' auf die Pariser Friedenskonferenz." Book Review Urs Matthias Zachmann (ed.) Asia after Versailles. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 26, Journal of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 485-487.

2017 „‘Am Rande eines solchen Gipfels…‘ Über Zentrum und Peripherie des G20-Treffens in Hamburg“ PW Portal für Politikwissenschaft, Sep.

2017 "China als Spiegel der amerikanischen Rechtsidentität." Review of Jedidiah J. Kroncke The futility of law and development. China and the dangers of exporting American law (Oxford 2016), Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 25.

2016. “Religion as a reason for intervention.” LSE Blog Religion and the Public Sphere, 21 Oct.

2016. “Rechtliche und historische Rechtfertigung: Zum Schiedsspruch über den Konflikt im südchinesischen Meer.” Sicherheitspolitk-Blog, 15 Aug.

2016. “Doing Global IR” Blog Series on Global International Relations at TRAFO Blog for Transregional Research, ed. with Felix Anderl, Phillip Wallmeier and Antonia Witt.

2015. “Some kind of global history on some kind of law in China.” Review of Teemu Ruskola, Legal Orientalism: China, the United States and modern law (Harvard 2013), Comparative Legal History Vol. 1(3): 207-211.

2014. “Selbst die Kopie ein Original. Die Konstruktion und Adaption globaler Ideen.“ Review of Samuel Moyn and Andrew Sartori, Global intellectual history (New York 2013), Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 22:- 323-324.

2013. “Völkerrechtliche Heterogenität.“ Erwägen Wissen Ethik 24 (2): 253-255.

2013. “Working the base of fragmentation: Concepts of unity in international law.” Review of Mario Prost, The concept of unity in public international law (Oxford and Portland 2012), Transnational Legal Theory 4 (2): 301-304.

2013. “Visible and Invisible Civilization.” Review of Marc Pauka, Kultur, Fortschritt und Reziprozität. Die Begriffsgeschichte des zivilisierten Staates im Völkerrecht (Baden-Baden 2012), Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 21: 249-250.

2013. “Koloniales Kapital. Über Pfadabhängigkeiten rechtlicher und politischer Einflussnahme.“ Review of Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth, Asian Legal Revivals. Lawyers in the Shadow of Empire (Chicago 2010), Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 21: 250-151.

2012. “Strategisch oder ethisch? Geschichten der humanitären Intervention und des Humanitarismus.“ Review of Michael Barnett, Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism (Ithaca and London 2011) and D.J. B. Trim; Brendan Simms (ed.). Humanitarian Intervention: A history (Cambridge 2011), Rechtsgeschichte 20: 456-458.

2010. Conference Report of “Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2010: Clash of Cultures?H-Soz-u-Kult, 14.08.2010 (with Eva Marlene Hausteiner and Ulrich Hofmeister).

2009. “Interkultureller Transfer: Zur Übersetzung des Völkerrechts.“ Review of Rune Svarverud, International Law as World Order in Late Imperial China – Translation, Reception and Discourse, 1847-1911 (Leiden 2007), Rechtsgeschichte 14: 217-219.


Presentations and discussion papers (selection)

2017. "Unpredictability and Fairness. Trumps Grundbegriffe der internationalen Politik." Geothe Lectures Offenbach, Klingspormuseum, 3 Jul.

2017. “Legal experts, analogies, and normative change.“ LSA International Meeting on Law and Society, Mexico City, 22 Jun.

2017. “The institutionalization and expansion of the G20: A case of politicization?” Contribution to the Workshop “(Re-)Politicizations of Security. Concepts and Practices”, Workshop of the European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS) at Cardiff University, 8 June.

2017. Public Roundtable on “Kabul Street Art: Die Rückeroberung der Stadt mit Farbe” Scientific framework program to the exhibition Unter Waffen. Fire & Forget II, Museum Angeandte Kunst, Frankfurt, 8. Mar.

2017. “Legal experts, analogies, and normative change.“ ISA Annual Convention Understanding Change in World Politics, Baltimore, 23 Feb.

2017. Expert Roundtable on “The G20 on its way to a global steering committee?” Conference Perspectives of the G20 as a Global Governance Institution, Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik, Berlin, 9. Feb.

2016. “Public-Private Colonialism: Political Authority and Judicial Decision-Making in the Shanghai International Settlement.” Workshop International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century (c. 1775-1914): From the Public Law of Europe to Global International Law?, Leuven 25 Nov.

2016. “Public-Private Colonialism: Political Authority and Judicial Decision-Making in the Shanghai International Settlement.” Workshop From European to Global Orders: International Law and Normativity in Context – Challenging Narratives, IWM Vienna, 29 Nov.

2016. “Zooming in on norm research. Towards a suitable scale for the Shanghai Mixed Court.” LSA Annual Conference „At the Delta. Belonging, Place and Visions of Law and Social Change“, New Orleans, 2-5 Jun.

2016. “Staatenverantwortlichkeit und Schutzverantwortung: Rechtliche Konstruktionen von Verantwortung und Verantwortungsfähigkeit" Workshop Politik und Verantwortung. Analysen zum Wandel politischer Entscheidungs- und Rechtfertigungspraktiken, with Julian Junk, 10 Feb. 

2015. “The Multinormativity of the Shanghai Mixed Court.” LSA Annual Conference Law’s Promise and Law's Pathos in the Global North and Global South, Seattle, 30 May.

2015. “The Exclusiveness of Normative Orders.“ ISA Annual Convention 2015 “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies”, New Orleans, 18 Feb.

2014. “Die Entstabilisierung von Erwartungen durch die Verweigerung von Recht.” Annual Conference Cluster of Excellence The Formation of Normative Orders, Frankfurt am Main, 20 Nov.

2014. “Nothing was the same: Der Wandel von Ordnung durch Äquivalenz.” Beitrag für die Offene Sektionstagung internationale Politik der DVPW, Magdeburg, 26 Sep.

2014. “Indirect hegemonies in international legal relations – The debate of religious tolerance in early republican China.” Working Group Empire and International Law, Berlin, 7 Apr.

2013. “Der Transfer normativer Ordnungen und Translationsforschung. Zur Ausbreitung des Völkerrechts in China im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.” Workshop Concepts and Process: Legal Communication between Asia and Europe in Modern Era, Beijing, 4-6 Nov.

2013. “The protection of religious minorities: A paper on equal and unequal liberties by treaty and its representation in international legal discourse." Working Group Empire and International Law, Helsinki, 14-16 Apr.

2012. “The political language of International law: between international dominance and local independence.” Workshop Law & Language, Nantes Institute for Advanced Studies, 14-15 Jun.

2012. “Towards the translation and dissemination of international law: integration, regionalization, and resistance.” Workshop on Global Justice and Transfer of Institutions, Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto, 10 May.

2012. “International Law and Religion in the 19th Century - Cultural Wars, Secularization and the Missed Chance of Positivism.” Challenging Conventions Speaker Series, Critical Research Laboratory in Law and Society at Osgoode Law School (York University), York, 11 Apr.

2011. “Justification and critique of intervention: on independence and community in the world society.” Postdoctoral Colloquium, Munk School of Global Affairs, Toronto, 3 Nov.

2011. “Semantics of Religion and Confessional Dispute: Positivism, Christianity and the Matter of Peace.” Working Group Paradoxes of Peace in 19th Century Europe, Helsinki, 17-19 May.

2010. “The Emergence of Norms through Re-Interpretation – China and European International Law in the 19th and 20th Century.” Konstanzer Meisterklasse 2010 Clash of Cultures?, Konstanz, 19-27 Jul.

2010. “From a Public Law of 10 000 Nations to the Bupingdeng tiaoyue-Literature – What does the Emergence of Narratives tell us about Indigenization of European International Law in China.” Workshop Cultural Pattern Transferred: The Translation of (Law) Terminologies, Phrases and Ideas, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt, 17 May.

2010. “World Polity and Global History - Theory and Methods of a sociological analysis of China's history with European International Law.” Third Annual International Law Colloquium, School of Oriental and African Studies/ University of London in conjunction with Department of Law/London School of Economics, London, 16-17 Jan.

2009. “China and the Introduction of International Law in the 19th Century – Coercion, Learning or Imitation?“ 15th European Forum of Young Legal Historians 2009, European University Institute, Florence, 1-4 Apr.