

Kolliarakis, Georgios (Ed.) 2014: Politik und Unsicherheit. Strategien in einer sich wandelnden Sicherheitskultur (Politics and Insecurity. Strategies in a Changing Security Culture). (,New York (Campus). (together with Daase, C. and Engert, S.)

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2014: Sicherheitsforschung und ihre Schnittstelle zur Sicherheitspolitik: Intendierte und nicht-intendierte Konsequenzen der Wissenschaftsförderung (Security Research and its Interface with Security Policy). In: (idem.) (Ed.): Politik und Unsicherheit. Campus (Frankfurt/New York).

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: Resilience as an Innovation Policy Objective: Blind Spots and Untapped Potential for Security Research ( In: Lauster, M. (Ed.): 8th Future Security Research Conference - Proceedings. Fraunhofer VVS, Stuttgart, p. 107-116.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: Coping with Uncertainty in Civil Security Research (Der Umgang mit Ungewissheit in der Politik Ziviler Sicherheit) ( In: Jeschke, S. et al. (Eds.): Exploring Uncertainty. Ungewissheit und Unsicherheit im interdisziplinären Diskurs. Berlin (Springer), p. 313-332.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: A New Ambivalence in Security Policies: Security Culture as a Deep Context (Die neue Ambivalenz in der Sicherheitspolitik: Sicherheitskultur als tiefer Kontext) ( ). In: Sicherheit + Frieden / Security and Peace, Special Issue 2/2011: Sicherheitskultur, p. 72-78.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2010: Research Report of the Conference Section “The Transformation of Security Culture” ( ), 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference, 9-10 September,Stockholm,Sweden

 Kolliarakis, Georgios 2010: Networks and the Study of Criminal and Terrorist Organizations ( In: Benedek, W. et al. (Eds.): Transnational Terrorism, Organized Crime, and Peace-Building – The State of the Art in Human Security in the Western Balkans. London (Palgrave Macmillan), p. 81-97.



Kolliarakis, Georgios 2014: Security Amidst Crisis: The Political Economy of the European Security Research. Paper presented at the COST Action “System Risk, Financial Crisis and Credit” Final Conference “The Financial Crisis – Failing to Learn and Learning to Fail?”, 13-15 March 2014, Athens, Greece.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: High-Tech Fetishism, Stakeholder Bias, and the Framing of Resilience in the European Civil Security Research. Paper presented at the EISA 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations (, 18-21 September 2013, Warsaw, Poland.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: The Banalization of Emergency: Security Fairs as Powerful Discourse Providers. Paper presented at the EISA 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations (, 18-21 September 2013, Warsaw, Poland.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: Resilience as an Innovation Policy Objective: Blind Spots and Untapped Potential for Security Research ( Paper presented at the 8th Future Security Research Conference 17-19 September 2013,Berlin,Germany.

Kolliarakis Georgios 2013: Coping with Uncertainty:  High-Tech Fetishism and the Politics of European Civil Security Research ( Paper presented at the European Sociological Association 11th Conference (Research Network “Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty”), 28 - 31 August 2013,Turin,Italy.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: Sicherheitsforschung: Intendierte und nicht-intendierte Folgen der Wissenschaftsförderung. Conference „Wandel der Sicherheitskultur als Herausforderung für die Politik“ (The Transformation of Security Culture as a Challenge for Policy) ( Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,14 May 2013,Berlin,Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012: Context, Process, and Failure: The Derailed Mediation Efforts on the Final Status of Kosovo ( Paper presented at the International Association for Conflict Management Annual Conference, 11-14 July 2012, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa. Best Applied Conference Paper Runner-up Award (

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012: Recognition Claims and the Resolution of Protracted Conflict. Paper presented at the International Expert Workshop “The Problem of Recognition in Global Politics” (, 21-22 June 2012,Frankfurt,Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012: The Failure of Diplomacy in Protracted Conflicts. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Workshop “The Transformation of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy”, 10-15 April 2012,Antwerp, The Netherlands.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Sicherheitspolitische Kommunikation und Reaktionsmuster im Kontext der neuen zivilen Bedrohungen (Political Communication and Reactive Patterns in the Context of the ‚New’ Civil Security Threats”. Panel: "Neue Bedrohungen in der Sicherheitspolitik: Akteure, Konstruktionen, Effekte". Paper presented at the 3. Offene Sektionstagung Internationale Politik der DVPW, 6-7 Oktober, Munich.Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Non-Tangible Factors in Negotiations and the Process of Conflict Resolution. Section: "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Violence and Politics", Panel: "Political Violence and Memory". Paper presented at the 6th ECPR General Conference, 25-27 August,Reykjavik,Iceland.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Research Policy Agendas and the Framing of Civil Security. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops (Workshop “After Mediatization: How Parties and Governments Legitimize and Communicate Political Action”), 12-17 April 2011, StGallen,Switzerland.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Security Culture and the Transformation of Security Institutions ( . (with C. Daase) Paper presented at the WZB Workshop “Institutional Dynamics in World Politics”, WissenschaftszentrumBerlin, 7-8 April 2011,Berlin,Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2010: Path Dependency, Peripheral Vision, and the Strategic Framing of Risk. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Workshop „Expecting the Unpredictable? The Strategic Governance of Long-Term Risks“, 22-27 March 2010,Münster,Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2010: Normative Frames, Recognition, and the Management of Political Conflict. SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference,Stockholm 9-11 September 2010.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2009: Networks and contemporary conflict. Paper presented at the HUMSEC Dissemination Conference “Human Security in the Western Balkan Region: the impact of transnational terrorist and criminal organisations on the peace-building process of the region” ( ), European Commission, 23-24 April 2009,Brussels,Belgium.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2009 (with C. Daase): The Informalization of Security Policy. A Morphological Approach. Paper presented at the International Studies Association 50th Annual Convention “Exploring the Past, Anticipating the Future”, 15-18 February 2009,New York City,USA.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2008: Reciprocity and Cooperation in International Conflict Mediation. Paper presented at the Seminary Workshop “Mediating in an International Environment”, LMU Munich, 19-21 June 2008,Munich,Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2008: Networks and Opportunity Structures in Conflict Settings. Paper presented at the LMU Workshop “The Transformation of Clandestine Groups. A Challenge for Security Governance?” organised by the Chair of International Politics, in cooperation with the HUMSEC Project and the LMU Munich Centre on Governance, 22-23 February 2008,Munich,Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2007: The Ambivalence of Networks and the Dilemmas of Conflict Regulation. Paper presented at the HUMSEC Conference on Human Security, Terrorism and Organized Crime in the Western Balkans (, 4-6 October 2007,Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2007: Strategic Framing, Imagery, and the Practice of Warfare. Paper presented at the Workshop “Classics of International Relations: Carl von Clausewitz” at theVeniceInternationalUniversity, 17-21 September 2007,Venice,Italy.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2007: Geo-Coding and Risk Management: Spatialization in Security Studies. Paper presented at the 6th SGIR Standing Group on International Relations Conference, 12-15 September 2007,Turin,Italy.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2006: Amorphous Risks and the Morphology of Proactive Security. Towards Adaptive Strategies to Counter Terrorism. Paper presented at the Workshop “Critical Infrastructure Protection and the Changing Logic of Risk and Security” (with C. Daase). ETHZ, 29-30 September 2006,Zürich,Switzerland.



Kolliarakis, Georgios. 2013: Der Wandel der Sicherheitskultur als Herausforderung für die Politik (  (The Shift of Security Culture as a Challenge for Policy). Poster presented at the Conference “Secure Societies” of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) for the EU Security Research Programme, 17-18 October 2013,Brussels,Belgium.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012:  Civil Society, Social Innovation, and Change in Security Culture ( Poster presented at the Workshop for the Future Agenda of the Security Research under EU Horizon 2020, German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), 26-27 November 2012, Brussels, Belgium.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012: Sicherheitskultur und partizipative Kommunikation ( (Security Culture and Participative Communication) Poster presented at the „Innovationsforum Zivile Sicherheit“, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 17-19 April 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Der Umgang mit Ungewissheit in der Politik Ziviler Sicherheit ( (Coping with Uncertainty in Civil Security Policy). Poster presented at the Transdisciplinary Expert Conference “Exploring Uncertainty”, RWTH Technical University Aachen, Germany. (2nd Prize Winner) (



Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: Online Debate (Moderator) Das Konzept der Resilienz in der Sicherheitsforschung ( (The Concept of Resilience in Security Research)

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2013: Die Überwachung, die Übertreibung und die Überforderung ( (Surveillance, Exaggeration, and the Political Overloading)

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012: Online Debate (Moderator) Das Konzept der Resilienz in der Sicherheitsforschung  ( (Security Policy Crises in Public Communication: Objective or Politically Constructed?)

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2012: High-Tech Schamanismus und der schützende Staat ( (Hi-Tech Shamanism and the Protecting State)

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Die Ethischen Dimensionen der Sicherheitsforschung ( (The Ethical Dimensions of Seurity Research)

Kolliarakis, Georgios 2011: Die Normalisierung von High-Tech-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ( (Normalizing Hi-tech Seurity Measures).