
IZO Events

Dec 9 2021

3rd Edition of the Korean Popular Culture Workshop

The 3rd edition of the Korean Popular Culture Workshop was held on the 9th of December 2021. The over 90 participants in the online workshop could participate in the presentations and discussions held by the three guest lecturers that have focused on the particularities of Korean cultural products in the age of globalization. The presentations were: “BTS as the Apex of Neoliberal Culture Industry: Alternative Masculinity, Positive Psychology, and Vicariousness" – by Dr. Gooyong Kim, Cheyney University Pennsylvania, “From a Ripple to a Roar: The Popularization of Korean Cinema" - by Dr. Frances Gateward, Howard University Washington D.C and “K-Dramas: Globalization of Family, Identity, Fantasy, and Reality" - by Dr. Eung-jun Min, Rhode Island College Providence.