
Current Research

Mar 16 2021

Recent FEAS Publication: Framing Climate Risk Insurances in the Indonesian News Print Media

Swantje Heiser-Cahyono's book "Framing climate risk insurances in the Indonesian news print media" has been published by iudicium-Verlag in IZO's series of publications, Frankfurt East Asian Studies (FEAS).
Content: In the context of global climate change, climate risk insurances are generally highlighted as a key element of adaptation to and management of global climate risks. This research is concerned with Indonesia's approach to such insurances and discusses the country's motivation to implement a national climate risk insurance programme. By drawing on media theories on frames and framing and by using frame analysis, this study identifies six frames that the Indonesian government and/or Indonesian journalists apply with regard to interpreting climate risk insurances, and locates the results in the wider international discourse. In addition, the analysis of both governmental and journalistic frames also allows to assess the present relation between the government and the press, which looks back at a very specific interconnection due to Indonesia's socio-political history.

More information on the iudicium website.