Prof. Dr. Constantin Ruhe - EXAMINATIONS

The following information is only related to examinations conducted by Prof. Dr. Constantin Ruhe. Procedures of the team members can be inquired by email. The e-mail addresses can be found under Team.

Enquiries are welcome during office hours of Prof. Dr. Ruhe with prior registration via the office.
Information regarding final theses (Abschlussarbeiten an der Professur) can be found here.
Help in finding topics for your bachelor or master thesis (in German).

Here you can find information regarding final theses (Hausarbeiten): Merkblatt Hausarbeiten

Requests for examinations are possible at the earliest one year in advance.
Enquiries are welcome by e-mail or during office hours of Prof. Dr. Ruhe with prior registration via the office.

Enquiries are welcome during office hours of Prof. Dr. Ruhe with prior registration via the office.
Information regarding final theses (Abschlussarbeiten an der Professur) can be found here.
Help in finding topics for your bachelor or master thesis (in German).

Here you can find information regarding final theses (Hausarbeiten): Merkblatt Hausarbeiten

Requests for examinations are possible at the earliest one year in advance.
Enquiries are welcome by e-mail or during office hours of Prof. Dr. Ruhe with prior registration via the office.

Further Links:


Prof. Dr. Constantin Ruhe

Goethe University Frankfurt
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute for Political Science

Campus Westend - PEG-building
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
Room 3.G 113 (3rd floor)
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 798-36580

Agnes Jäger (starting March 1st)
Room 3
Tel: +49 (0)69 798-