Dr. Lena Beitler


Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, PEG, Room 5.G024        Consultation hours: by arrangement
email: beitler@psych.uni-frankfurt.de
Phone: +49 (0)69 798-35279


- Career -

From 2012 to 2018, Dr. Lena Beitler worked as a research assistant in the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. She received her PhD in 2018 on "Age and Conflict Management: Potentials of Older Employees in Overcoming Conflicts at the Workplace". In addition to her scientific activities, she is a systemic consultant and trainer in adult sports. As a freelancer, she gained experience in conducting psychological counselling sessions in the health care system and in leading seminars on topics such as stress management, pain management and healthy leadership.
Since 2018 she has been working for Deutsche Bahn Cargo in the area of personnel development.

- Teaching -

- Research Interests -

  •     Customer stressors
  •     Health and stress at work
  •     Conflict management
  •     Potentials of older service employees
  •     Age differences in self-esteem regulation

- Publications -

Beitler, L. A., Kern, M., Scherer, S., Trumpold, K., & Zapf, D. (submitted). Age-differences in self-esteem threats and conflict management during customer conflicts. International Journal of Conflict Management.

Scherer, S., Zapf, D., Beitler, L. A., & Trumpold, K. (submitted). Emotionally intelligent labor: A multilevel, multi-method approach to emotion regulation in employee-customer interactions. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Beitler, L. A., Scherer, S., & Zapf, D. (2018). Interpersonal conflict at work: Age and emotional competence differences in conflict management. Organizational Psychology Review, 1-33.

Zapf, D., Beitler, L., & Johnson, S. (2018). Lifespan perspectives on the psychology of service work. In B. Baltes, C. Rudolph & H. Zacher (Eds.). Work across the lifespan. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Zapf, D. & Beitler, L. (2017). Mobbing als Thema im Coaching. In H. Möller, W. Scholl & S. Greif (Hrsg.) Handbuch Schlüsselkonzepte im Coaching. Berlin: Springer.

Beitler, L. A., Machowski, S., Johnson, S., & Zapf, D. (2016). Conflict management and age in service professions. International Journal of Conflict Management, 27(3), 302–330.

Conference contributions

Scherer, S., Türktorun, T., Weiher, G., Beitler, L., & Trumpold, K. (2017, May). The influence of resilience on situational challenges: Handling customer stressors and emotional demands. Poster presented at the 18th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.

Scherer, S., Weiher, G., Türktorun, T., Beitler, L., & Trumpold, K. (2017, May). The role of state and trait mindfulness in emotional labour: Considering different emotion regulation strategies. Poster presented at the 18th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.

Beitler, L. A., Zapf, D., Kern, M., Trumpold, K., & Scherer, S. (2015, September). Der Einfluss von Alter und Selbstwert auf das Konfliktmanagement in Dienstleistungsinteraktionen. Posterpräsentation auf der 9. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Mainz, Deutschland.

Beitler, L. A., Machowski, S., & Zapf, D. (2014, September). Kundenstressoren in Dienstleistungsberufen: Alterseffekte bei der Anwendung von Konfliktmanagementstrategien in Dienstleistungsinteraktionen und deren Auswirkungen auf Burnout. Präsentation auf dem 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Bochum, Deutschland.

Beitler, L. A. & Zapf, D. (2014, June). Age and conflict management in the workplace. Presentation at the CLBO Research Meeting in Bad Homburg, Germany.