Felix Anderl, M.A.


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Articles in edited volumes

  • 2018 (forthcoming). Globale soziale Bewegungen? Einführung in die Transnationalisierung und Lokalisierung von Protest [Global Social Movements? Introduction to the Transnationalisation and Localisation of Protest]. In: Ilker Ataç, Albert Kraler, Wolfram Schaffar, Aram Ziai (eds.): Politik und Peripherie. Eine politikwissenschaftliche Einführung [Politics and Periphery. A Political Science Introduction]. 2nd Edition. Vienna: Mandelbaum. Co-authored with Elias Steinhilper.

  • 2018. (forthcoming): Coherence. In: Klaus Dingwerth, Clara Weinhardt (eds.): The Language of World Trade Politics: Terms of Trade. Routledge.

  • 2016. Strengthening civil society through development cooperation? Localizing participation in post-Suharto Indonesia. In: Thorsten Bonacker, Judith von Heusinger, Kerstin Zimmer (Hrsg.): Localization in Development Aid. How Global Institutions enter Local Lifeworlds London: Routledge, 154-172.

Book Reviews

Other Publications