Telecommunication and Internet


Free Wifi at Goethe University

International researchers and guest researchers have free access to internet and e-mail on the university's premises. In order to gain access you will use the username given to you by the Computer Centre. Access has to be applied at the Computer Centre (HRZ) for by your host institute/faculty.

More information (in German only)



In most apartments for rent telephone nor internet are not included. There are many different companies and contractual possibilities in relation to telephone, internet, mobile telecommunication and mobile internet. We have set out some information about telephone, internet, mobile telecommunication and mobile internet in the following, but make no claim as to the completeness of this information.


Telephone and Internet:

Most telecommunication companies offer telephone and Internet flatrates for both your flat and your mobile device. Some of the most popular providers are:

Some additional providers for your smartphone are:

International Calls:

There are some providers with special offers for international calls. Some of them are e. g.:

Disclaimer: The services and companies presented on this website are known to the Goethe Welcome Centre. However the Goethe Welcome Centre does not accept any liability for the quality, integrity, correctness and completeness of the services and companies mentioned.